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Who we are
The Pentecostals of Broome endeavours to embrace every nationality, ethnicity, race, and background. We believe in preaching the whole truth about the Word of God and baptising believers according to the book of Acts 2:38. Our services are the manifestations of what God says where two or three gathered in His name - there He is. Thus as the Spirit of God leads, the congregation in one accord worship him in Spirit and in Truth, allowing God to release His grace, power, and sovereignty over us.
About Pastor Peter & Cherry McCallum
My name is Peter McCallum I have the passion to share what the LORD has done in my life. He has completely turned my life around into believing that I am an important person and by experience, His promises are true and forever settled. My wife is also an indigent from the Philippines. She desires to witness saints amidst diversity united as we see the day approaching- the return of Jesus Christ. She has the heart of a missionary for Jesus.
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